
Signo's ROCK

I have got my paws on them. The elusive white pen. The Uniball Signo UM-153 Broad Opaque White Pen. I found them and bought two dozen. That's right. I bought TWENTY-FOUR of these babies. I doodled at every traffic light this morning in my black-papered journal. It flows like melted butter and so far, hasn't clogged. Like most pens, if you move too fast, the inkflow is thinner but any normal writing speed produces a really nice line of white pigment. Now, I suppose I'll be finding out the true shelf-life of these babies given that I have enough to last at least a few months. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

7/18/06, 7:45 AM  

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